
Brittney Brave
UI Technician I, Fairbanks
July 5, 2021
Employed with UI: Since March 22, 2021
Describe what you do for work:
"I am currently in active training. My workday involves tackling a number of different issues and resolving them in an accurate timely manner. In the world of unemployment, in the short time I have been working here I have dealt and resolved many different issues that has positively affected people's lives. As an adjudicator I focus on fact-finding and producing results that is backed up by the law."
"The timely adjudication of resolving people's unemployment benefits is our #1 goal. Our work never stops whether we are on the phone or performing claim reviews to solve issues that may occur preventing benefits from being paid."
"I have the opportunity to work with a diversity of people from across the state and to hear their perspective and concerns. At the end of the day we are here to help whomever we can through what may be one of the most difficult periods in our lives."
"The pandemic has definitely effected everyone's lives. Starting here I was able to observe my coworkers working on issues that help people. From what I have observed, the pandemic has made the caseload huge, but somehow our adjudicators are able to get things done! One of the best parts about being in an office setting is that we are able to work with each other to find a solution together."
What issues do you most frequently see at your work?
"Currently we are working on non-separation issues, working toward specializing in separations."
What kind of advice would you give claimants?
"I cannot stress enough how important it is to file your weekly certificates weekly. It may seem like it can take a lifetime for someone to adjudicate your issue, but our offices are working through them as fast as we can. Be sure to ask any questions whenever you can and reach out to us! We are here to help!"
How has the pandemic affected you personally?
"Personally, I have been majorly effected by being in a retail sales position throughout the pandemic as an essential employee. Being in that position was an experience that, as an employee, was stressful and uncertain. When I applied to work for the State of Alaska in the Unemployment Insurance program, I was able to find a career where I was able to help people who really needed it, and that means the world to me."
How do you keep yourself busy during the pandemic?
"It can be hard to stay busy during the pandemic, but the best thing I like to do is spend as much time with my family as possible. My daughter has loved the newfound time we have together. In all of this there is a little good. I have also found the hobby of painting to be one of my favorite things to do. My house is now FILLED with color!"
Favorite inspirational quote:
"Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end." ― Roy Bennett