
Gracie Raymond
UI Technician I
April 26, 2021
Employed with UI: Since Jan. 11, 2021
Describe what you do for work:
"On any given day, my job is to make sure that people get their benefits as timely as possible and to help individuals navigate through some of the confusing aspects of filing for unemployment. I get to hear all sorts of different stories from all walks of life, which is both fascinating and rewarding. I may not be able to see someone smile or shake their hand, but I think being on the phone with others opens different doors for them and they are able to share things they wouldn't normally in a face to face environment."
"One of my favorite things about working for UI is actually that we get to come into a collaborative office instead of working from home. I love being part of the little office interactions like signing birthday cards, or bouncing ideas off of one another and just being in the company of others which has been difficult to accomplish this past year."
What issues do you most frequently see at your work?
"I specifically work with separations which is when an individual quits or is fired from their job. On the outside it seems like a pretty straight forward process. I mean, it's one or the other, right? Not exactly, and in fact, it's astonishing how complicated it can be. Sometimes I go in circles just pinning down whether the claimant was fired or quit! it's kind of like solving a puzzle, and until you have all the pieces, it's just not complete."
What kind of advice would you give claimants?
"File every week! That, and to just be honest with the person on the other end of the phone. As a claims taker or adjudicator with UI, our mission is to allow benefits where we can and to do that we need the facts. We are not here to judge, accuse, or make life more difficult. I promise!"
How has the pandemic affected you personally?
"What a year it has been! And what an understatement that is! Four months ago I was self-employed and at a crossroads where all of my employees had been laid off, I had burned through all possible COVID relief, and I was looking at a minimum of six months before the busy season arrived again. I had no choice but to start looking for a "real job." It has been bittersweet saying good-bye to the company I built from the ground up (with help!) and to sever the incredible relationships and networks I developed through the years, but everything happens for a reason and I have found that I am good at the work and I love the people I work with. As an added bonus, my life is at least 100 times less stressful too."
Anything else you"d like to add?
"Keep on truckin". When the going gets tough, keep on going. Can"t get anymore clich" than that! But on a real note, it's because that"s the only way life gets better when it's crummy. No one can fix it for you. Band-aids are a real thing, but at the end of the day, only the choices we make for ourselves can improve or limit our lives."