
Lynn Atkin
Mature Alaskans Seeking Skills Training participant
June 28, 2021
MASST participant: 2019
Current job: Administrative Assistant/BHAP Case Manager, Daybreak Inc., Palmer
What jobs have you worked in your lifetime?
"I was a short-order cook for 30 years and I did some catering while working as a cafeteria manager in Anchorage. I catered the Fur Rendezvous Queens Champagne Reception. I taught myself computer skills and typing through GCFLearnFree.org."
"I had always wanted to work in an office environment but never had the opportunity to learn the skills required. Then I met MASST Coordinator Rae Korpela, and she literally changed my life!"
What was the MASST process like?
"Rae was amazing! She made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to! I never doubted that she had my back every step of the way! Rae not only encouraged me always, but she also worked hard to find me the perfect places to train and learn."
What is your overall opinion of the MASST services you received?
"The MASST program is a godsend. It not only helped me earn a living while I trained, it made me feel like a useful and productive person even though I was a senior citizen. Most of us that are 55 and older feel like we have outlived our usefulness. MASST encourages us to keep moving forward."
What about MASST would you consider valuable?
"MASST not only made me feel like I could achieve my dreams and goals, but I also met some wonderful people through my job training sites. Rae was my cheerleader and my friend, and she is a valuable asset because she really cares about us all!"
What did you know about MASST services before you received it?
"Nothing. I didn't learn about MASST until I went to work in the Palmer Senior Center kitchen as a cook's assistant."
What kind of advice would you give other seniors looking for work?
"The MASST program can help you change your life's goals and lift you up so that you still feel like you are a valuable asset to anyone willing to hire you!"
How has the pandemic affected your work or ability to work? How do you keep yourself and your family safe?
"My employer, Daybreak Inc., had me working remote (from my home), and everything went on as normal. My supervisor, Polly Beth, kept all of us feeling like we were still a team, and we followed all the sanitation and PPE precautions."
What are your future plans?
"I love my job and I plan to stay here as long as possible. My coworkers and I are not just a team; we're like family!"
For more information about the MASST program, visit labor.alaska.gov/masst/home.htm.