Shelby Lee
Aug. 2, 2021
Employed with UI: More than a year
Describe what you do for work:
"I help the general public of Alaska when they become unemployed. My work involves anything from explaining what our programs are to investigating claims to determine eligibility, addressing employment separations and billing to proper federal and military agencies."
"The pandemic has caused record high unemployment rates across the world. This has caused an increase in calls and inquiries about our program. It has made quite the "mountain" of work, but we have learned to roll with the punches and tackle the work as it comes in."
What issues do you most frequently see at your work?
"I see an alarming amount of fraud. I also see a lot of people who have missing documentation that is required to establish and receive funds from a claim. This is most often the issue for claimants, not having proper documentation or any documents at all. I see claimants frustrated and in distress about their financial situations, but I also get to see issues get resolved that end with a "good news phone call" to someone to inform them they have benefits on the way!"
What kind of advice would you give claimants?
"My best piece of advice is don't compare your claim to people around you. Don't look on social media for answers. Be honest in what you submit because you may receive funds now, but fraud will most likely be caught at some point. Call in the second you are confused and need an answer and pay attention to your mail. And most importantly, search for jobs!"
How has the pandemic affected you personally?
"The pandemic has taught me to be flexible in a different way than I ever thought was possible. The pandemic has thankfully not impacted my employment because I was able to be emergency hired here right after my last job."
Anything else you'd like to add?
"Get outside! I took up puzzles for the first time during quarantine and that is something I never saw happening."