90 Day Deadline for IPE Development
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Policy Revision
90 Day Deadline for IPE Development
BPR: 2014.3
Policy CS 10.0 Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), Section 3.5
Technical Manual Section 3.5 Case File Organization
Effective Date: 10/16/2014

Approved: ____________________________________ ___10/16/2014________
Cheryl A. Walsh, Director Date
Policy Revision
Background: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) was signed into law and enacted on July 22, 2014. Title IV of the WIOA includes amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The following provision went into effect on the date of enactment.
Agency policy is revised to reflect the implementation of WIOA which requires IPEs to be written no later than 90 days after the date of eligibility determination.
Policy CS 10.0, Section 3.5 - Timeline for IPE Development
The IPE shall be developed as soon as possible, but no later than a deadline of 90 days after the determination of eligibility. If, for exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, the IPE cannot be written by the 90 day deadline, an extension of that deadline to a specific date must be agreed to by the individual and the DVR counselor.
The VRC will use the Plan Development Extension datapage in AWARE to document the reason for the delay, any additional data or information required for IPE development, and the specific date by which the IPE shall be completed. The VRC, with agreement from the individual, may extend IPE development up to 60 days. Beyond 60 days, VR manager approval is required.
The extension should be printed and filed in the case file where the IPE would be filed.
Technical Manual Section 3.5 Case File Organization
Revision to Technical Manual the Milestone Section will include a reference to the Plan Development Extension.