AASHTOWare Instructions
Certified Payroll Changes!
DOT&PF is using a new web-based software called AASHTOWare Project to manage its construction projects.
Who does this affect and when?
All contractors and subcontractors on a DOT&PF project awarded after January 1, 2021 will be required to use this new software for submitting certified payroll to the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Wage and Hour Administration (DOLWD).
How does this benefit me?
- DOLWD, DOT&PF, prime contractors, and subcontractors will all be using AASHTOWare Project. With all of us sharing the same system means you only need to submit your certified payroll once!
- Your account will automatically connect to the construction project that you are working on.
- Prime Contractors have easy access to subcontractor payroll.
- The system will help check for errors.
How do I access the AASHTOWare Project?
In order for contractors to access AASHTOWare, you will need the following:
First, all prime contractors and subcontractors will need to have registered their business with the State of Alaska’s IRIS Vendor Self Service (through the Department of Administration’s (DOA) website) and receive an IRIS
Vendor I.D. number. To sign up for an IRIS Vendor I.D. account, please follow the instructions here:
http://dot.alaska.gov/aashtoware/docs/AWP-vendor-guidance.pdf - Second, all contractors will need to assign a User who will have authority to submit certified payrolls and sign the Statement of Compliance on behalf of the company. These User accounts (also known as LDAP accounts) are sponsored by DOLWD. User accounts are assigned to individual people who will be filing the certified payroll on behalf of the contractor. A contractor may have several individuals who file certified payroll for their company. Each individual who has the authority to file certified payrolls on behalf of the contractor must have their own LDAP account. The User Account Request Form is here:
Contractor User Registration Form
Note: Prime contractors will still file their Notice of Work, Notice of Completion, and make their filing fee payments in the LSS Online system. Certified payrolls for all non-DOT&PF and all older DOT&PF contracts (awarded prior to Jan 1, 2021) must still be submitted in the LSS online system or by mailing them in.
For questions about AASHTOWare Project, please:
Visit the AASHTOWare Project website at dot.alaska.gov/aashtoware, or
If you need further assistance creating an IRIS VSS account or adding the 913 commodity code to your existing account, please contact the IRIS Vendor Help
Desk at (907) 465-5555 or
For questions about LDAP accounts, please: