Labor And Workforce Development Adopts Regulation Changes To The Asbestos Abatement Certification Program
August 12, 1999
No. 00-06
The Department of Labor and Workforce Development has adopted regulation changes to Title 8 of the Alaska Administrative Code dealing with the asbestos abatement certification program. The regulations are set out in 8 AAC 61.600 - 61.790.
Alaska's asbestos abatement certification program will now be in compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) located in 40 CFR Part 763, Appendix C to Subpart E. Alaska will conduct training for accreditation purposes under section 206 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2646; approve new training course providers to provide asbestos training that satisfies the requirement for TSCA; and issue accreditation that satisfies the requirements under TSCA.
The public comment period ended February 26, 1999. In response to comments received, the State deleted the proposed definitions and adopted by reference those related definitions that define asbestos abatement in the construction asbestos code 29 CFR 1926.1101.
The department did not change the new requirement for a 40-hour training course that contains a minimum of 14 hours of hands-on application for both the worker and supervisor. Combining the worker and supervisor training to a single course results in a single annual update and reduces costs to contractors and workers.
Persons interested in obtaining a copy of the regulations should write to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Labor Standards and Safety Division, Occupational Safety and Health, P.O. Box 111149, Juneau, Alaska 99811-1149, or contact Karim Schultz at (907)465-6005. The regulations may also be accessed on the Internet at the Department of Labor Commissioner's WebPage or by contacting any Alaska Occupational Safety and Health field office.