Stelmach New Yukon / Kuskokwim Delta Job Center Manager
Jul. 11, 2000
No. 01-04
Will Continue Excellent Service for Employers and Job Seekers
Dolores (Dee) Stelmach is the new manager for the Department of Labor and Workforce Development's Yukon/Kuskokwim (YK) Delta Job Center located in Bethel, Alaska, Commissioner Ed Flanagan announced today. "Dee Stelmach has worked for the department since 1985 and we are pleased she has accepted this promotion so the YK Delta employers and job seekers may continue to receive excellent public services," Flanagan said.
Dee Stelmach has lived in Bethel since childhood and brings years of experience, first-hand knowledge and a deep understanding of rural employment issues to her new managerial position. She has successfully worked with various seafood companies in recruiting workers for their processing needs and hosts "Shop Talk," a live, weekly one-hour radio show for both call-in or in-person guests on KYUK, which also airs the center's weekly job openings.
The YK Delta Job Center is located at 460 Ridgecrest Drive, Suite 112, in Bethel and delivers employment, job training, and temporary assistance services in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta area. The Bethel office is part of the Alaska Job Center Network, set up by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Labor for the purpose of consolidating and streamlining employment and training services for the public at easy-to-reach locations throughout Alaska. In Bethel, it provides an array of employment, training, educational and social services for job seekers, including vocational counseling, job development and referral, adult basic education classes, job skills training and welfare-to-work assistance. For employers, the job center provides job posting and matching, and information on hiring, human resource management, and unemployment insurance taxes, plus coordination of mass hiring events. Last year the center posted over 800 jobs for Bethel area's employers. Currently the center averages over 100 job openings per week.
Stelmach begins her new job duties July 10 and can be contacted by phone at (907) 543-2210, or email,