Unemployment Insurance Appeal Decisions Go Online
Jan. 23, 2001
No. 01-31
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) Appeals section of the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development announced today that UI appeal decisions are now available online to the public. The new Internet site contains records back to 1994 of both Tribunal (lower authority) decisions and subsequent Commissioner (higher level) decisions that resulted from record reviews of Tribunal hearings. The site also contains a complete inventory of Tribunal decisions from 1998 to the present.
The public now has direct access to these UI Appeal records by either subject matter or name, making preparation for hearings by claimants and employers much easier. Thus participants can research, draft appeals, and prepare for and attend UI hearings with the knowledge of how decisions are made through real life examples. Addresses and social security numbers have been deleted from the decision headers to provide privacy to the participants.
To access the Appeal Decisions, click here.