Labor Solicits Proposals For $450,000 In Job Training Grants
Feb. 08, 2001
No. 01-37
STEP Money Aimed at Job Training for Rural Areas
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOL) is soliciting interested training entities to apply for State Training and Employment Program (STEP) job training grants to serve residents outside of the Municipality of Anchorage or the Mat-Su Borough, making up the Balance of State Service Delivery Area. Approximately $301,000 in grants is available to provide training services that result in employment for participants, and an additional $147,000 is exclusively dedicated to targeting training needs and projects serving the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region.
DOL issued a request for proposals (RFP) on Friday, February 2, 2001, in partnership with the Balance of State Workforce Investment Board, the local policy-making board that oversees job-training programs for DOL. Special consideration is given for proposals that address targeted industries and occupations with a demonstrated demand for workers. Targeted occupations are those for which there are documented employment opportunities due to labor shortages or rapidly expanding job opportunities and are specifically identified in the RFP.
Priority points will be given to proposals aimed at training for jobs which are currently filled by non-resident or foreign national workers and in geographic areas with high unemployment or with high numbers of discouraged workers. The STEP program was developed to promote local hire, provide job opportunities and build a well-trained and skilled workforce to attract high growth industries.
Information about the proposal for $301,000 worth of grants for the Balance of State Service Delivery Area is available by email request to Katherine_Brown or Jessica_Boutang.
Information and a copy of the Request for Proposals for $147,000 worth of grants for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region is available by email request to
To download the RFP in PDF format, click here