Labor Solicits Proposals For $700,000 Job Training Grants
May 18, 2001
No. 01-58
Money Aimed at Job Training In Health Care, Construction, Tourism
Department of Labor and Workforce Development is encouraging interested
and qualified organizations to apply for job training grants available
through the State Training and Employment Program (STEP). Grants totaling
$700,000 are available for clients residing within the Balance of State
Service Delivery Area, which encompasses all areas of Alaska, except
the Municipality of Anchorage and Mat-Su Borough.
"We are targeting proposals aimed at value-added timber production,
health care, construction, transportation, fisheries, and tourism in
particular," Labor Commissioner Ed Flanagan said.
Flanagan said high priority would be given to areas of documented labor
shortages or employment opportunities, for women in non-traditional
occupations, in areas with high unemployment and high numbers of discouraged
workers, and for persons lacking skills or whose skills are technologically
outdated. Proposals for any occupation where there is a demonstrated
demand for trained workers will be also considered. In addition, this
RFP is attempting to assist communities affected by the recent fisheries
disaster. The deadline to apply for the grants is June 15, 2001. A copy
of the grant can be found online.
The Department of Labor and Workforce Development issued the request
in partnership with the Balance of State Workforce Investment Board,
a local policy-making board that oversees job-training programs of the