Labor Dept. Releases 2000 Census Demographic Data
Jul. 25, 2001
No. 01-72
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development released detailed demographic data for Alaska from the 2000 Census today. Summary File 1 (SF1) contains population data on age, sex, household relationship, and household and family characteristics. Housing data include total housing units, occupancy, average household size and tenure (whether the unit is owner- or renter-occupied). The data are based on answers common to both the 2000 Census Short-Form and Long-Form questionnaires.
Summary File 1 contains tables for the state, boroughs/census areas, places, census tracts and Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas. For most subjects, data are available at the block group and block level of census geography.
Selected tables from SF1 are available online at the Census and Geographic Information Network's 2000 Census web site at:
Data are available online at the Census and Geographic Information Network's homepage.