Labor Department Releases New Sample Data
Sep. 25, 2002
No. 02-53
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development announces the release of the Census 2000 Summary File 3 (SF3). SF3 consists of 813 tables of social, economic, and housing characteristics compiled from a sample of the State's population. The data come from the approximately 1 in 6 households that received the Census 2000 long-form questionnaire.
SF3 provides social information such as school enrollment and educational attainment; economic information such as employment status and household, family, and per capita income; and housing information such as occupancy status and rent as a percentage of income.
SF3 is generally valued for the types of data collected, the detailed nature of the information presented, and the geographic level of the data. SF3 provides data to the place (community) and to the Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas (ANVSA) level for all tabulations. Greater detail is available to the block group level for most data and to the census tract level for the rest.
Specific examples of the types of information in SF3:
--27.1 percent of Alaskans over 15 have never been married.
--Anchorage leads the State's boroughs and census areas with 90.4 percent of its age 25 plus population having at least a high school degree.
--Owners occupy 62.5 percent of the State's occupied housing units, while renters occupy 37.5 percent.
For information about accessing SF3 data, contact:
Census and Geographic Information Network (CGIN)
Phone: (907) 465-2439