Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available To Workers Affected By November 3, 2002 Earthquake
Nov. 25, 2002
No. 02-66
Workers' Income Protected by Disaster Insurance
(Click here to read about Disaster Unemployment Assistance)
The earthquake that struck south of Fairbanks, Alaska on November 3, 2002, has officially been declared a disaster area according to the recent announcement by Governor Knowles. Those living or working within the Alaska Gateway and Copper River Regional Educational Assistance Areas (which include the communities listed below) may be able to receive Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA), the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development announced today.
Bill Kramer, Assistant Director for Unemployment Insurance with Labor's Employment Security Division, said that individuals who are not covered for regular unemployment benefits might qualify for Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits. This includes self-employed workers and others not covered by the state unemployment insurance program, whose source of income has been negatively impacted by the earthquake. Earthquake-impacted workers may receive weekly payments of up to $248, plus dependent's allowance for up to 26 weeks.
Individuals from the areas listed below whose income has been interrupted by the earthquake may find out more about how to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance by calling 1-800-590-5941, or going to labor.alaska.gov, and clicking on the Disaster Unemployment Assistance link. The last day to apply is December 26, 2002.
Impacted Communities Include: Boundary, Chicken, Chisana, Chitina, Copper Center, Chistochina, Dot Lake, Eagle, Gakona, Glennallen, Gulkana, Kenny Lake, Lakeview, McCarthy, Mentasta, Nabesna, Nelchina/Mendeltna, Northway, Paxson, Slana, Tanacross, Tazlina, Tetlin, Tok, Tolsona and Tonsina.