New Law Changes Filing Process On Public Construction Projects
Jun. 23, 2003
No. 03-23
Governor Murkowski signed CSHB 155 into law on June 16, 2003, which allows contractors working on public construction projects to file bi-weekly versus weekly-certified payrolls to the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), and levies nominal filing fees. The new law takes effect July 1, 2003.
Instead of submitting certified payrolls weekly, contractors working on public construction projects will be allowed to file certified payrolls every other week. In conjunction with this statutory change, the DOLWD is revising the certified payroll form. Beginning July 1, 2003, social security numbers must not be listed on a contractor's certified payroll. The revised certified payroll form will be available at on or before July 1, 2003. Contractors may continue to submit their own certified payroll form, provided all of the information required on DOLWD's certified payroll form is included and employee social security numbers are excluded.
Under the new law, the primary contractor working on public construction projects with an amount of $25,000 or more must file a Notice of Work and pay a one percent fee based on the value of work performed by each contractor on the project. The maximum fee is $5,000.00. The notice and fees must be filed with the DOLWD before work commences on the project. Upon completing a public construction project, the primary contractor must file a Notice of Completion and make payment of any additional fees due to increases in the contract amount. Unpaid filing fees and wages may be withheld from contract amounts due the primary contractor. The Notice of Work and Notice of Completion forms will be available at on or before July 1, 2003.
There are special provisions for filing the Notice of Work and payment of fees for emergency response projects and ongoing construction contracts as of July 1, 2003. Contractors will have 14 days to pay fees and file the Notice of Work for emergency response projects. Contractors working on ongoing projects as of July 1, 2003, will not be required to pay a fee for that project, but will be required to file the Notice of Work within 30 days after DOLWD provides a copy of the form to the contractor.
This legislation also requires the DOLWD to provide for filing certified payroll reports by secure online electronic filing no later than July 1, 2004.
For further information on the administration of these statutory changes, please contact Grey Mitchell at (907) 465-6006 or the local office of the Wage and Hour Administration:
Juneau 465-4842
Anchorage 269-4900
Fairbanks 451-2886