Fairbanks Award Ceremony To Honor Alaskans With Disabilities
Sep. 30, 2004
No. 05-18
FAIRBANKS – Individuals, organizations and employers from throughout the state will be honored for efforts to advance the employment of Alaskans with disabilities at an awards ceremony scheduled Thursday, October 7 in Fairbanks.
The event is timed to coincide with National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October.
The awards are presented annually by the Governor’s Committee on Employment and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities. The presentations are scheduled from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Edgewater Ballroom at the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge. The event is open and free to the public.
“It is truly rewarding to honor these outstanding Alaskans,” said Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Greg O’Claray.
“Every honoree has a different life experience,” O’Claray added, “but, they all share a spirit and determination to turn adversities into opportunities.”
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Director Gale Sinnott said the governor’s committee will present the Governor’s Award and also honor the Small Employer of the Year and the Large Employer of the Year as well as the winners of the Removal of Attitudinal Barriers, Carolyn Peter Volunteerism, and Barrier Free Design awards.
The ceremonies will also recognize the Chairperson, Hewitt Memorial and Alaskan of the Year award recipients.
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News Media Contacts:
Director Gale Sinnott, DOLWD Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 907.465.2814 or
Joe Holbert, Special Assistant/Communications, 907.465.5673