Seafood Companies Begin Recruiting 500 Workers For Winter Pollock Season
Nov. 24, 2004
No. 05-33
ANCHORAGE – Seafood processing industry employers are stepping up recruiting for more than 500 Alaska workers needed for the Pollock “A” season, the state’s largest commercial fishery.
Recruitment is also starting for the opilio crab and Pacific cod seasons, according to employment specialists at the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
Seafood processing is expected to begin early in January in the Bering Sea area, Dutch Harbor and St. Paul and will last through late April.
Job applicants may pre-apply in advance at any of the 24 statewide Alaska Job Center Network locations. However, applicants must also be available for in-person interviews at the Anchorage Job Center Midtown, 3301 Eagle Street. Recruiting interviews are scheduled to begin November 30 and continue through December 16.
Specific interview dates for different companies and locations are listed below. Successful applicants must pass a pre-employment physical, drug screening and criminal background check.
“Experienced seafood workers who live in any of the six Community Development Quota areas in Western Alaska are especially urged to apply for these jobs,” said Labor Commissioner Greg O’Claray. “These seasonal seafood processing jobs are an opportunity for young and rural Alaskans to earn money quickly and begin building a work history.”
The minimum employment age is 18 for many companies and locations where workers are housed in bunkhouses. Some exceptions allow applicants at age 16 if they have their own housing and are not required to work with knives or machinery.
The majority of processing jobs involve filleting, canning, freezing and value-added preparation of fresh seafood. Typical starting pay is $7.15/hour plus overtime at $10.72/hour in addition to room and board and travel incentives. Companies generally provide room and board and round trip transportation upon completion of a worker’s contract.
Job locations include both shore-based plants and on board large at-sea processing ships. At-sea processing jobs are among the highest paid for seafood workers. Pay is by percentage of catch or by case rate based upon the market value of the product being produced.
All in-person employment interviews will be at the Anchorage Job Center Midtown, 3301 Eagle Street, beginning at 9 a.m. on the dates listed below.
Job Location | Company |
Date of In-Person
Dutch Harbor and St. Paul | Icicle Seafoods |
November 30
Dutch Harbor | Westward Seafoods |
December 6
At-Sea Ships | American Seafoods |
December 7
At-Sea Ships | Starbound LLC |
December 7
At-Sea Ships | Trident Seafoods |
December 7 and 8
At-Sea Ships | Pacific Long-line Co. |
December 7
King Cove | Peter Pan Seafoods |
December 16
Dutch Harbor and St. Paul | Icicle Seafoods |
January 4
Additional employment information is available on the Alaska Job Center Network website at . Click on “Seafood/Fishing Jobs” and “Anchorage Recruitments” for schedules and links to job descriptions. Job information is also available in Anchorage by calling the Job Center Midtown Seafood Employment Office at 269.4775 or tollfree statewide at 1.800.473.0688.
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News Media Contacts:
Laurie Fuglvog, DOLWD Employment Security Division, 907.465.5926 or
Joe Holbert, Special Assistant/Communications, 907-465-5673