At-Sea Processors Job Fair Launches Commercial Seafood Season In Alaska
Nov. 18, 2004
No. 05-34
ANCHORAGE – The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development will host a one day At-Sea Processors Job Fair in Anchorage on Tuesday, December 7, to interview applicants who have pre-applied for jobs with seafood companies processing Pollock A, the state’s largest commercial fishing season.
Applicants can pre-apply in person immediately: at any of the 24 statewide locations of the Alaska Job Center Network; by phone in Anchorage at 269.4775 or tollfree statewide at 1.800.473.0688; or online at . Click on “Seafood/Fishing Jobs” and “Anchorage Recruitments” for additional information.
Successful applicants will also be required to pass a pre-employment physical, drug screen and criminal background check.
Three At-Sea Processors Association member companies – Trident Seafoods, American Seafoods and Starbound LLC -- will recruit in-person during the job fair to hire up to 100 at-sea seafood processing workers. Pacific Long-line Company LLC, which operates long-line catcher/processor vessels freezing Pacific cod, will also be on hand to conduct in-person interviews.
At-Sea officials say their association represents quality U.S.-flag catcher/processor vessels that meet the highest Coast Guard safety standards and participate in ground fish fisheries in the Bering Sea. Member vessels harvest, process, freeze and store seafood products on board including fillets, surimi, roe and fishmeal.
The majority of jobs on a catcher-processor are for entry-level processing workers. The work is physically demanding from 12 to 16 hours per day. Many vessels offer generous and well-prepared food and have lounges where crewmembers can relax. Companies generally provide room, board and transportation upon completion of contract.
The majority of at-sea processing workers are paid by percentage of catch or by what is called a case rate based on the market value of the product being produced.
Products processed at-sea are considered of the highest quality and efficiently produced. At-sea processing employees are among the highest paid workers in the seafood processing industry.
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News Media Contacts:
Laurie Fuglvog, DOLWD Employment Security Division, 907.465.5926 or
Joe Holbert, Special Assistant/Communications, 907-465-5673