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Mature Alaskans Seeking Skills Training (MASST)

Are you 55 years or older, unemployed and need help to get ready to work? Are you looking for an opportunity to gain employable skills?

MASST provides training at host sites for up to 20 hours per week at minimum wage in areas such as:

  • Senior Centers
  • Thrift Shops
  • Warehouses

Eligible participants gain experience to improve employment opportunities.

MASST Policies

Contact one of these agencies to see if you qualify or for more information on the program.

Anchorage Region:
Midtown Job Center
LaVerne Kent
3301 Eagle St., Suite 103
Anchorage, AK 99510-99503
907 269-4805
Fax (907) 269-4876

Northern and Interior Regions:
Fairbanks Job Center
Jim Warren
675 7th Ave., Station B
Fairbanks, AK 99701-4531
(907) 451-5918
Fax (907) 451-2919

Gulf Region:
Peninsula (Kenai) Job Center
Angela Stark
11312 Kenai Spur Highway, Suite 2
Kenai, AK 99611
(907) 335-3005
Fax (907) 335-3050

Southeast Region:
Southeast Regional Resource Center
Kristy Hill
210 Ferry Way
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 433-7285
Fax (907) 463-3811

Mat-Su Region:
Mat-Su Job Center
Rita Gray
877 Commercial Drive
Wasilla, AK 99654-6937
(907) 465-4872